Sunday, April 1, 2012

Communication or the lack of

I have been going through a conflict at work with on of my co-workers. It is a very long story but she did something that I would not have done to a friend which I though we were. I now know we are not. The way I handle the problem was just not talking to her. I knew if I did I would be very honest with her and it would hurt her feelings and that was not my intent to do so I just kept my mouth shut. It hurt her for me not to talk to her but she did not know she did not want to hear from me at all. The Non-violent Communication skills emphasize personal responsibility for our actions and the choices we make when we respond to other, as well as how to contribute to relationships based in cooperation and collaboration. I learned that I am responsible for my actions so it was best that I just kept my mouth shut.

1 comment:

  1. It's terribly hard sometimes not to say anything. But often less is more. Perhaps you not saying anything may be best.
