Monday, April 16, 2012

Reflecting on Communication in the Early Childhood Field

Hi my name is Alice I am glad to meet you!
I am sorry I have not been able to take time to
talk to you, and spent sometime developing a relationship
with my classmates. Please keep intouch with me with and I will do the same.
I will meet you in person at our GRADUATION!!!!!!!

During this late class we talked about "Adjourning" and I felt that I had not gotten close to any of my classmates because of time and not having the same classmate in each class. This is a lame reason not to get to know classmates. I do want to get to know all of you and if you have time send me an e-mail I will be glad to get to know you and how things are going for you, your family and how your degree is working out for you. my e-mail is

Also I told you about me meeting with my boss about problems at work. Well he did not listen and he out talked me and pretty much turn everything around. I feel I was not a prepared as I thought. I will not give up. I just need to be better prepared. I would like to thank everyone for you support through out our class and I hope to get emails from all of you.



  1. Alice,

    I was very curious about what happened with your boss. It seems to me that he was making excuses? I am sorry that things did not work out and I really hope you are able to talk to him again with better circumstances and outcomes. It has been a pleasure to work with you and for your help and comments on my work. I feel that new or old, all of the colleagues I have encountered throughout my Walden journey have made it worthwhile. Good Luck in the future!


  2. Alice,

    I am in group 1 for this course. I wanted to let you know that a facebook page has been set up for our MSECS class if you're interested. It is a closed page so we have to become friends first. I can be found at:!/profile.php?id=1345675567. Once we become friends, I will send you and invite and then you can invite others you have had classes with. I hope you will consider joining so we can all share ideas beyond graduation!

    Thank you,


  3. Hi Alice,

    Great picture!

    Actually,living here in Beijing, I had not considered attending the graduation. You have put it into my possibility bank. Thank you.

    Thank you for your contact information. I do hope we keep in contact, we never know when we might be working next door to each other or our school programs may over-lap. We already have this course in common!

    All the best as you continue in your specialty. I am in teaching and diversity.


  4. Hi Alice,

    You know we learned that communicating can be challenging at times. You are right not to give up. Rembember to be patient and responsive. I wish you much luck and success in all you do. I hope we all enjoy our next few classes as much as we have this class. I will look forward to seeing you online because I am in teaching and diversity as well. My email address for contacting is: or

    Good luck!!!!
