Monday, February 27, 2012

What is Communication

                                     Rev. Father Boniface Hardin

There are two different people who demonstrate competent communication. The first is the  founder of Martin University Rev. Father Boniface Hardin. The second is my oldest brother Charles Guynn, These two men are very articulate when speaking to an audience there demeanor demands your attention. They both use word that will stretch you vocabulary but not so much that you do not understand what they are saying, more like I wish I would remember to use that word when I am speaking to my parents. 

                      Charles Guynn and My Mom and my
                          Sister Frances in the background.


  1. I am glad that you mentioned 'demands your attention' because I think that a major part of communication is being able to hold your audience attention. In order to communicate effectively we need for people to listen. Also, speaking so that the person(s) you are speaking to understand what you are saying. Good post!

  2. Alice,

    I know exactly what you mean when you say they use these words that you think man, I really have to write that down to use next time. However, I always forget the crafty words later! But these words they use really drive that point across.


  3. Alice,
    I agree with you and the other two ladies, how they both used words to drive the point across. I am really learning a lot about being an effective communicator just by reading the blogs and discussions boards this week.
    Thanks for sharing!
