Monday, April 16, 2012

Reflecting on Communication in the Early Childhood Field

Hi my name is Alice I am glad to meet you!
I am sorry I have not been able to take time to
talk to you, and spent sometime developing a relationship
with my classmates. Please keep intouch with me with and I will do the same.
I will meet you in person at our GRADUATION!!!!!!!

During this late class we talked about "Adjourning" and I felt that I had not gotten close to any of my classmates because of time and not having the same classmate in each class. This is a lame reason not to get to know classmates. I do want to get to know all of you and if you have time send me an e-mail I will be glad to get to know you and how things are going for you, your family and how your degree is working out for you. my e-mail is

Also I told you about me meeting with my boss about problems at work. Well he did not listen and he out talked me and pretty much turn everything around. I feel I was not a prepared as I thought. I will not give up. I just need to be better prepared. I would like to thank everyone for you support through out our class and I hope to get emails from all of you.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Team Building and Collaboration


In the article “The Five Stages of Team Development: A Case Study” that Adjourning is stage that project is coming to an end and the team members are moving off in to different directions.”  I have worked in many Network Marking Company’s in my life. Network Company’s such as Tupperware, Avon, Amway, Shaklee, Noni, Goji and at least 5 or 6 more. Some of them I only worked for a couple of months and some as many as three and four years.  I also have worked in about 6 or 7 different daycares, and recruited for two different colleges. There were three different groups that I had the hardest to say good-bye to. Two of them were day cares that I worked for and one Network Company. It  was hard to leave because all three of these groups of people were like family and it was hard to think that we will not be working together any longer, or seeing each other on a daily bases. I am good friends now with most if not all of the people in these groups today.  I do not think that high-performing groups are the hardest to leave it is the groups that you bond with are the ones I found hardest to leave. I have never experienced any rituals when leaving just disappointment. I am sad to say that I have not bonded with any of my colleagues while working on my master’s degree. The classes have gone by very fast and I have not had the same colleagues in each class. Maybe in these last three classes I will be able to bond with some of my colleagues before we graduate and move on into our lives of changing the world for early childhood and teaching Adults in the Early Childhood Field.

Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from   five-stages-of-team-development-a-case-study.html

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Communication or the lack of

I have been going through a conflict at work with on of my co-workers. It is a very long story but she did something that I would not have done to a friend which I though we were. I now know we are not. The way I handle the problem was just not talking to her. I knew if I did I would be very honest with her and it would hurt her feelings and that was not my intent to do so I just kept my mouth shut. It hurt her for me not to talk to her but she did not know she did not want to hear from me at all. The Non-violent Communication skills emphasize personal responsibility for our actions and the choices we make when we respond to other, as well as how to contribute to relationships based in cooperation and collaboration. I learned that I am responsible for my actions so it was best that I just kept my mouth shut.