Saturday, June 11, 2011

Save The Children

The website that I selected at the beginning of our class is CHIP which is a Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Center. They do research and publicity so governments and leaders of communities know what is going on in their areas.  I found a link that was attach to the CHIP web page that also work to stop childhood poverty.

Save the Children
They work in more then 120 Countries. 
What They Do......

Child Poverty

Many children around the world still die because their parents cannot get the treatment they need, or afford enough food to keep them healthy. And in the UK, 1.6 million children are living in severe poverty. Being born in a poor family dramatically reduces a child's chances of a brighter future. This must change. 

Children's Rights

Every child and young person has rights, no matter who they are or where they live. Nearly every government in the world has promised to protect, respect and fulfil these rights, yet they are still violated worldwide.

Climate Change

The impact of climate change in uneven. A baby born to family living in poverty will be among the most affected by shorter growing seasons, more frequent disasters and changing disease
patterns associated with climate change.


Education has the power to transform children's lives now and for generations to come. They help millions of children to go to school.


More than 60 million children are caught up in emergencies every year. They respond quickly to meet their immediate needs.

Health and HIV

It's the one thing parents cannot bear to imagine - the death of a child. But, in many countries, it's not only imaginable, but likely.


Children die uhen poverty, poor health and hunger conspire to end lives. They work flat out to tackle malnutrition through there work.

Protecting Children

Forced into sex work. Recruited into armies. Shut away in institutions. Their focus is into sex work. Recruited into armies. Shut away in institutions. Their job is to ensure vulnerable children are protected, to the best of their ability, wherever they are. 

What are they doing right now? 

They opened five child-friendly spaces in some of the largest evacuation centers in Japan. 

They get essentials to families who have fled the violence in Libya. 

In countries such as Sierra Leone they are building stronger healthy systems.
The Have Many Resources
  • Personal Stories
  • Online Library
  • Multimedia
  • Volunteer Resources
  • Teaching Resources
Please visit this website:

1 comment:

  1. Alice,

    Thanks for the information and update about the latest information on poverty. Many of the information presented are new to me and I can now use this as a tool and for my resources.
