Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Professional Hopes, Dreams, and Challenges.

My professional goal is to develop and school surrounded by a community center that will incorporate a health clinic as well as a mental clinic, a employment development department that will also have suits for interviews for parents to interview for jobs. It will also have a dental office and optometrist’s office for the families of the children in the school as well as the community. There will also be a food pantry and clothing pantry.  Our focus will be on children with ADHD, Autistic Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Transient Tic Disorder. In order for your child to attend this school parent involvement is imperative. Parents will have to participate in group counseling and personal counseling. This is to help each other by sharing what is happening in their lives. So times they can share things that can help another parent, or they can learn new things that can help their lives a little less stressful.  Psychologist will be presented when groups meet. Parent will also have personal meeting with a psychologist. Children will be evaluated and if counseling is needed they will get the help they need. This program will be designed for families in the middle income range. Low income families already have government help and wealthy families can afford the help they need.

“No two children are the same”. How often have you said that? Take any class of children in your school. They may be the same age but are they all alike? No! How do they differ from one another? Some are tall; others are small. Some are shy; others are forward. Some learn quickly; others are slow. All children should feel that they will be successful in anything they do.

Some children’s growth and development is impaired because their environment causes them harm or does not support their well being. They may not have enough food or a good diet; they may live in poor housing and are prone to illnesses; they may be beaten; their parents may have separated; they are refugees or survivors of war. Sometimes they live on the streets. They may abuse drugs.

Some children are born with impairments such as eyes that do not see well; arms and legs that are deformed, or a brain that is not developing in a typical way. Some children can be left with impairments after childhood illnesses like measles and cerebral malaria or from accidents such as burns and bad falls. Often these children are called ‘disabled’ or ‘handicapped’.

Children with Disabilities
Over 650 million people around the world live with disabilities which can exclude their participation in society. They often have little hope of going to school, getting a job, having their own home, creating a family and raising their children, enjoying a social life or voting. For the vast majority shops, public facilities and transport are not accessible.
The 2010 EFA Global Monitoring Report states that, while globally comparable, reliable data are notoriously difficult to obtain. One widely cited source estimates that 150 million children worldwide live with disabilities. Around four in five children with disabilities are in developing countries. In addition, many millions of children live in households with parents or relatives who have disabilities. At all ages, levels of both moderate and severe disability are higher in low- and middle-income countries than in rich countries. They are highest in sub-Saharan Africa (data source: WHO and UNICEF, 2008).

Web Reference


  1. Wow! Thank you for sharing your goal with us, Alice! How fantastic it would be if every city had a school/community center like you describe. I agree that middle-income families are under-served and need some resource like the one you write about.

  2. Alice,
    Alice you have very high expectations and hope your goals and ambitions are well reached. You professional goals are all aligned with the children and family in mind and I think you will do a great job at help a lot of children to reach their goals and dreams. Best of luck and great info.
