Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community

Voices for American’s children
Making a Difference for over 25 years

Who We Are

Voices for America’s Children is a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan network of child advocacy organizations committed to speaking out for children at the local, state and federal levels of government. Founded in 1984 (as the National Association of Child Advocates) and based in Washington, DC, we support 60 member organizations nationwide. \ Voices supports members advocating for children in their states, advocates directly for effective national public policies, and leads  national campaigns to improve public policies affecting children throughout the United States.

For more than 25 years, Voices has been on the forefront of the issues most important for children:

Stand for Children

What We Stand For

 Since 1999, Stand for Children has championed countless policy and budget choices across ten states that continue to benefit millions of children today.

For the organization’s first 13 years, members in Stand states and chapters worked independently to identify local challenges facing children, to figure out what’s working across the nation, and to advocate for effective solutions.
In 2012, to ensure that we are maximizing our collective impact, we decided to develop a shared viewpoint on how to accomplish our mission and to prioritize strategies that have proven effective in closing the achievement gap.

“What We Stand For” is that shared point of view.

To develop “What We Stand For”, Stand for Children commissioned fifteen education policy research papers to identify the most promising strategies for ensuring that disadvantaged students graduate high school, ready for, and with access to college.  We convened a task force with representatives from the 10 Stand for Children state offices to review the research, draft a shared perspective, and solicit and incorporate feedback from Stand staff and members.  The task force approached the project with independence, rigor and pragmatism.
The result of their work is “What We Stand For” and the supporting research papers; these tools are now available to Stand staff and members across the country. In the future we will provide additional useful, evidence-based tools to Stand’s members, leaders and staff.
Together, we’ll use this information to make an even greater difference for students in the coming years.

Prevent Child Abuse America
Since 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) has led the way in building awareness, providing education and inspiring hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children. Working with our chapters, we provide leadership to promote and implement prevention efforts at both the national and local levels. With the help of our state chapters and concerned individuals like you we're valuing children, strengthening families and engaging communities nationwide.
Our national campaign and local programs, prevention initiatives and events help spread the word in your community, creating awareness that prevention is possible. We are a family of friends, professionals, volunteers, donors and parents who are preventing child abuse and neglect before it ever starts.
To learn even more about preventing child abuse and neglect click on
What You Can Do or the following links:

I chose these three national/federal organization because I want to branch out on my carrier. I have a true passion to help children who many be hurt in any kind of way. As a job opportunity I would just love to be on the board of directors in any of these organizations helping make decisions on how to handle issues when dealing with child abuse. The experience I need to fulfill is more experience in this area.



  1. All of these organizations are great, hopefully everyone is able to provide the help to children when they want to and can instead of when they have that "piece of paper" that is usually needed. What I noticed about all three of your organizations is that each of them support children as individuals and help to make them noticed. That's what children really deserve, their rights to be in effect at all times.


  2. Alice,
    I enjoyed searching through your web sites. The links were great, they made it easy to look through. The House Party Weekend in PCA America caught my attention. What a great idea!
    Mary L.

  3. Dear Alice,
    The three organizations support the totality of children and giving them the voice they deserve. Being on board with the passion you have for children, would definitely impact the well being of every child you are contact with and their future.
    Thanks for posting.

  4. Dear Alice,

    You have the right concept to serve on the boards of these National organizations. Children rely on us to speak for them. The first organization, Voices for America's Children seems to be very involved in making a difference in the lives of children by speaking out about issues that effect them. I was glad to see that their advocacy includes compensating teachers well.

  5. Dear Alice:
    Recently, I have become involved with Voices. I have a great respect for this organization and feel very blessed to have found this resource to help me in my mission.
    Thank you for the additional resources.

  6. Alice,
    I think that a board member position is notable--board memberes have a lot of say-so when it comes to making decisions about programming and the direction in which the organization will progress.
