Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Birth of RASHELL ANNETT WALKER 08/12/10

My Little Angel

I have given birth two times in my life. The first thirty two years ago to a beautiful daughter Rashida and the second to my second daughter Rashell born twenty 26 years ago. I am going to tell you about the birth of Rashell.

I went to my doctor office in my 22nd week of my pregnancy for a regular prenatal visit on Friday August 10, 1984. When I arrive for my visit I knew I had to give a urine specimen as I always bone in the pass. Not long after I handed in my specimen, my nurse came into my room. She asked me how I was doing,  I told her that I was doing find but  was very tired also notice that if I touch my skin hard my imprint would stay for a long time. She then took my blood pressure and told me to lie on my right side. My doctor soon appeared in the door way with a concerned face. I said, “Hi, Dr. Rice!” He replied, “Hi Alice how are you feeling,” I told him the same thing I had told the nurse. He took my blood pressure again and then told me to lie back on my right side.  I asked him what was going on. He asked me, “When are you due?” I said “you know I am due Nov 24 a Thanksgiving baby remember.” He then told me that I was very sick and I was going to have to stay in bed for the rest of my pregnancy. He said that I had something called Preeclampsia and it was very important that I follow his direction. I called my mother and told her what was going on. She said from me to come to her house and stay until I had the baby. My husband and I decided that I would stay at our home that night so I could get my things together and go to my moms the next day. I really did nothing but tell my husband what to put in my luggage.

The next morning when I woke up my husband was getting ready for work  he said on his lunch hour he would pick me up to take me to my mom’s house. When I woke up I had a very bad headache and everything was kind of blurry I call the doctor right away. My doctor told me to get to the hospital like yesterday so I beeped (NO CELL PHONES AT THAT TIME)my husband and he call right back. I told him what the doctor said so her turned around took me to the hospital. When I arrived to the hospital they were waiting for me. I was immediately taken to a room and the nurse started to pad my bed. I was unsure want was going on. I asked the nurse want was happening and she said that I was very sick and she did not want me to hurt myself if I had a seizure.

Later on that night I lost the rest of my vision and my head felt like someone had hit me with a sledgehammer. My blood presser continued to climb. The doctor on call tried a different medication on me to see if it would bring it down. I had a reaction to the medication. My neck started to swell so much that I could see it and remember I still on my right side. My tongue was so dry it felt as if it might break off. I was getting upset and I started to cry and I wanted to go home. I felt all alone. I knew for sure I was going to die that night. The doctor on duty came in to calm me down but he was asking ridiculous question like have you ever had the mumps.

I knew I had to get out of there. So when I knew everyone had left my room I stumble around until I got to the hallway I started walking down the hallway to get to the elevators. My nurse stop me and asked me where are you going and I told her I was not going to die tonight and I had to go home. She told me I was not going to die. She also let me know how sick I was and I needed to get back in bed and she world stay with me. I told her I did not have the mumps and I was having a reaction to the medication the doctor gave me. She said that it is going to be OK and I needed to get some rest so my blood pressure could go down. I told her if I did not see the sun come up I was not going to die. When the doctor on call found out that I was trying to leave he had the nurse tie me down still on my right side. They did get one hand and I struggle with them for the other one. I told them I would give them the other hand if they would let me call my husband. It was about 3:00 a.m. I woke my husband with a temp and not feeling well at all. I beg him to come and get me before they killed me. He was confuses and told me I was going to be OK and he was on his way. At that time they did not let husbands stay overnight. They gave me sleeping pills to make me sleep but I fault them and stayed awake until I saw the sun still laying on my right side. My right side was so sore and numb at the same time. After having the baby I found out when laying on your right side your heart does not work as hard. About 7:00 a.m. my doctor came in to see me and when he saw that I was tied up he hit the roof. I heard yelling out in the hall way. I was moved to intensive care. It was now Saturday August 11, 1984 I remember very little about that day I know I still could not see and I remember hearing my husband storing in the corner of the room and the pastor of my church praying by my side.

That Sunday morning August 12, 1984, some doctors came in and started to ask me a lot of question about saving the baby with experimental medications. I told them I could not answer their question and to wait for my husband who was on his way back to the hospital after checking up on our other child. When he arrived they started asking him the same questions. He did not know what to do either so I told him to ask my doctor what he would do if it was his wife. He said I guess we will be having a baby today. I did not know until after having the baby was born that the placenta was breaking away and both of us were dying. I was wheeled in on the same bed I had been on now on my right side for two days in the operating room. My husband was dressed in his operating outfit and I saw my doctor. They numbed me from my waist down and we soon had another baby girl. RASHELL Annett Walker

How I missed not hearing her cry, not being able to hold her. I was extremely tired but I refuse to go to sleep until I was able to see my baby girl. I was able to get in a wheel chair and my husband pushed me into the special care unit for babies.  I stood up and put my hand in her incubator. She was crying and when I touch her she stopped. I was told them I must go to bed and sleep to be able to come back and see her so I went to bed and slept for two days.

After 40 day of fighting Rashell lost the battle of life on earth and won the battle of life with the Lord. September 22, 1984 I will always remember her birth and her short life. I Love You Rashell and I miss you.



  1. Oh this story broke my heart. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful daughter Rashell. I think your story just highlights the importance of prenatal care. If you hadn't had doctors and medicine to help you, your husband and other daughter might have lost both a daughter/sister and a wife/mother. I can't imagine that experience. Someday you will see Rashell again and she will be a strong beautiful healthy girl!

  2. Thank You Molly!
    I am not having a good day and I need to hear something warm. Thanks again.

  3. Oh my word what a story! Your story touched me so much! I am crying as I am reading. Well even though it has been 26 years, I know your heart still has to hurt. But she is rejoicing with the Lord! She was just so special God needed her to be by His side! She is still watching over you mom! Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt story!
