Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Family Culture

My Family Culture

If there were a catastrophe that had almost complete devastated the infrastructure of my country and I had three small items to take with me I would take my Bible, a family photo album, and my Family Cook book.  I would take the Bible because I live by the word of the Lord and so does my family it is the larges part of my culture. I would take family photos because my family is a large part of my culture also. I would take my family cook book again because it I a big part of my families culture.  If I were told that I could only keep one personal item and have to give up the other two items I brought with me. I first would give back the photo album because I would have my family with me then I would give up the cook book only because I know most of the recipes. What I would not give up would be the family’s Bible. I need to read my Bible when I am having a good day so I know I am going to have to have it with me with the destination that will be going on around me.  

I though this was a fun exercise so I sent a survey to many of my friends at work just to see what they would take with them. I survey 15 people and what the first thing they would take with them out of 15, 10 said they would take there Bible, the other five said they would take their dog, toilet paper, phone, passport and wine. The second thing they would take would be, (5) said photo albums, (6) said money, and (4) said they would take their gun.  The third thing they would take were things like computers, phones, and the wee game. I found that the survey was interesting.

The insights I gained about myself, my family’s culture, and diversity was that how much it means to me. I have a very large family and we have developed our own family culture. We have a family news paper that goes out four times a year. The news paper was developed because we were all growing older and we were having problems keeping up with each other as well as our nieces and nephews. We also have several family events through out the year so that we can get together to spend time with each other such as (Family Game Day (Christmas), 4 camping trips, Aunt Rita’s Cookie Bake, Guynn 500 Race, Big Momma’s Little Girl Overnight Cooking Weekend, 4 different golf outing, Guynn’s Bowling Day Out, State Fair, Telisa’s Day to Remember Our Love Ones, Aunt Rita’s Halloween Party for the kids, Summer family cookouts, and our every two year family Cruise). Our goal is that our children know each other and to also carry on our family traditions. Aunt Rita died over 15 years and we are carrying on her traditional holiday parties and we are hoping our children will do the same.






1 comment:

  1. Wow! I like all your family does to keep in contact with each other and keep the traditions going. I wish my family was like that, but they are the opposite they stay away from each other the best they can. Congratulations on your family mission.
