Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Personal Childhood Web

The people who influence me and impacted my life. 

First of all were my parents. My mom and dad had 15 children 11 boys and 4 girls. My mom stayed home to raise her children, and my dad worked two and sometimes three jobs to keep a roof over his families head. Making sure we never missed a meal, always had hot water, lights, heat, and shoes and clothing to wear. He also taught all of us the value and love of family and most of all the value of a dime. My father died at the early age of 45 but left a strong legacy of love and strength. My mom shows her love and support to all her children as if we were the only child. She showed us love in our meals, cleaning the house, clean clothes, helping with homework, looking at TV, dancing and singing pretty much in everything we did. My mom is now 80 years old and still living life as if she were a teenager. Both my parent taught us about God we prayed together and went to church together as a family.

My aunt Rita was like a second mother to all of us. When mom was in the hospital having my brothers and sisters my Aunt Rita took care of us. She not only took care of us but she was the favourite Aunt to the whole entire family all my cousins children of her brothers. She was the Aunt who gave all the parties such as Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Summer Picnics and much more she gave all of us her time and love.

My Grandparents were a big part of my life also. My grandpa was a quite man, the way he talked to you you could fell the love and the way he held your hand when we walked together he would tell you stories about the olden days. My grandma was a woman of great prayer she love the Lord it showed when she talked to us. She brought candy to us on Fridays after school we all looked forward to that. We did not get candy very much. Dad did not like the ideal of all of us going to the dentist.

As a small child my friend were my brothers and sisters. We had what we call the Koolaid house all the kid in the neighborhood came to our house to play. My mom was very smart that way she knew at all time were her children were. The person I looked up to the most beside my parents, Aunt Rita, and my Grandparents was my older sister Peggy. She was and still is a strong person I waned to be just like her when I grew up. What is funny about that is we are totally different. I still look up to her. Also my oldest brother Charles he stepped in when my dad died. He had large shoes to fill and he did the best he could. One way he did it was he kept telling stories about dad to all of us. So we would not forget him. The storie are still be told to now the grandchildren. Dad legacy will never die.

My best times were Christmas Days. Each and every child had at least five or six gifts. We all open them one child at a time. The youngest always first. The bright eyes and smiles made the whole house feel the love we all had for each other. The Christmas dinner was always wonderful and always more food then we could ever eat. We had lots of left over to eat for the next few days. We never knew we were not rich fianically but we did know we were rich in love.

My mother is the person who started me in childcare as a young girl, but my Aunt Rita is the person who started me in the professional childcare business. When she died she was still running Claver Daycare and Kindergarten. She was not only my aunt she was a good friend. I miss her and my dad very much.

"Mom and Will my Greatnephew dancing."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Smiles are my Passion

Seeing happy faces on children is what drives my passion in the early childhood field. Not only the children but their parents also. You know you are doing something right when you see those big bright beautiful smiles they speak millions.

An Image of a child's painting

This is one of my one year old students who love to paint. She painted the plate orange we put a large t-shirt on her and laid down some plastic picnic table cloths. We gave her the plate and the orange paint and a large paint brush. She did not stop painting until the whole plate was orange. not only her plate but her face, hands, feet, and hair. She was given the black face pieces the next day and she pasted them on the orange plate she painted the day before. I choose this picture because of her smile it tell it all. See how proud she is...."Look Mom See My Jack-O-Lander"

A story about a child that thuched my heart

I had a little girl in my school she was a ball of 100% energy. She was three years of age and full of life. She was like a tornado inside the school nothing absolutely nothing was in place when she was in attendance. Children were knocked down, pushed, and even walked on. She always had a smile on her face. She started missing school more and more and everyone missed her. We found out that she was very sick and in the hospital. I went to the hospital to see how she was doing and I found out she had cancer and she was not doing very well. Even though she was very ill she still had the big beautiful smile on her face. Many month went by and she was going to have a liver transplant. The doctors decided that she did not need it after all. She started doing better and soon she was able to come home. We were all so happy to hear the good news. God has bless her with life and God bless us with a little angle.

The Poky Little Puppy

The Poky Little Puppy is a delightful story about five little puppies who leaned a lesson about obeying their mother. I love this story because of the repetition events in the story. When reading the story the children will start saying the words along with you. They also count, say their colors, talk about insects, directions, and much more. The discussions can go in various directions from obeying your parents to what different desserts smell like. I have used the Poky Little Puppy in many areas in my class room. Such as the science and math areas. I have even had the children act this cutie little story out and they had a wonderful time.

A quote about children that is especially meaningful to me.

I think that Jesus stated the number one statement about children.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Jesus was letting everyone know when he made this statement that children are innocent and with out hate. He wanted little children with and and around him. they brought him peace and love.