Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Personal Research Journey

I chose Social-emotional development in Early Childhood Education. The reason I chose Social-emotional Development in Early Childhood is because I have a son who is ADHD. I saw the signs when he was in daycare I tried to address the problem but I had problems with his teachers agreeing and his pediatrician they all said that let’s give it more time. I notice that my son was a lot more active then most children his age. I have been in this business for a long time I have seen a lot of children who I thought were ADHD and they all were or they had some other kind of Social-emotional disorder. I am very concern about the children but most of all about the parents who have children who have some kind of social-emotional disorder. At one time I absolutely did not like my son and wanted to give him up because it was so hard to live with him. I thought I was going to hurt him because I did not know how to handle him and his behavior. Since then I have spoken to many parents who have children with Social-emotional disorders and they are having the same problems I had. I do not want another parent to dislike there child and I do not want a child feel not wanted because they could not control their behavior.  I am open to ideas, links, or resource suggestions that will help me find away to address this issue.


  1. Thank you for being so open! I think it is great that you are working to find some ways to provide help to not only your son but other children and families as well! You are being a great advocate for your son and other families facing the same experiences! Good luck and I hope you are able to find very beneficial information!

  2. It's great that you shared this information with us and I believe that your research will be helpful to you because it touches you personally. If I happen to come across any information that I think will be helpful, I will forward it to you. I'm glad that you have the patience and love to know that it is a situational stage that will take time and effort in order to gain some control. Don't give up! Good luck!

  3. It is wonderful that you are so very honest. I believe that this will help you when you are communicating with other parents. You are right that you have to look past the behavior and realize what is truly going on in their little minds. I work with several students where their emotional regulation is all out of whack. It can be more than frustrating at times, but I keep reminding myself that I need to give them tools. If you are still trying to seek help at your school and they are saying give it time. I would keep pushing for it. I highly recommend asking for a FBA (Functional Behavioral Assessment), that can be used at home at school. This looks at triggers of behaviors, what the behaviors are and the consequences. It is then written in a formal document that everyone follows to deal with behaviors and hopefully get them extinct. It is always an open document because things change so often. I have FBA's for several of my students and I have seen them be more than beneficial. I will pass any information I find to you! Good Luck!

  4. I applaud you on your frank expression of the feelings that you once held about your son due to his social-emotional challenges. I believe that social-emotional development is very important. If one cannot develop self control, it is difficult to learn and grow. Frequent disruptions and emotional outbursts also put a damper on the learning and development of those around the child.
