Saturday, June 4, 2011

Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships

In the article Young Children Develop in an Environment of relationships it stated that “New research shows the critical impact of a child's "environment of relationships" on developing brain architecture during the first months and years of life. They went on to say that “they have  known for a while that interactions with parents, caregivers, and other adults are important in a child's life, but new evidence shows that these relationships actually shape brain circuits and lay the foundation for later developmental outcomes, from academic performance to mental health and interpersonal skills.” What is important is that many of the nation’s policies are not taking into consideration that the most important of the environment of the relationships with children and what the effects it may have on the children’s well-being.

I feel that this is an ongoing problem in all nations. When parents/caregivers have to work to provide for their children it affects the child well-being. Children benefit from the love and relationships that starts with their parents/caregivers. Brain development starts when the child is in the mother’s womb. If the mother is not health when caring her child this is the beginning of an unhealthy environment for the child.  I feel that the most important part that affects the Childs Environment and relationships comes down to economic in that child life. The more money in the child’s life the better their health, better schools better social environment, unfortunately equity is not the case so we as caregiver have to step up to the plate and develop strong positive relationships so our children will develop healthy happy lives.
National scientific council on the developing child        

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alice,

    I would have to agree with some points of your posting and I would have to say on the other hand, money is not answer. Don't get me wrong but I grew up poor, even though I did not have a TV or the latest gadgets, I grew up just fine. I think that if the parents have a lot of care, support, and love for their child, anything is possible. Cheryl
