Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Supports

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                                                            My Biggest Support Is GOD

The Encarta Dictionary defines support as: to keep something or somebody upright or in place, or prevent something or somebody from falling. My first and foremost support that I receive on a daily basis comes from God. If I did not have God in my life I would be completely lost. The reason I have gotten as far as I have in my life educationally is strictly due to my faith. During my life I have achieved a Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education and also a Master of Science Degree in Community Psychology.
I have had the privilege of working with children since high school. I was also blessed to be born in a family with 15 children. We were raised by the best mom and dad anyone could have. I have a strong Christian background and God has always come first in my life. Keeping God first in my life and knowing my family is there to support in all that I do is my biggest support system.

                                       My Supportive Teem My Children

I also have dyslexia and I depend on help from the computer, dictionary, thesaurus, and family and friends to help me with spelling and using the correct syntax when I am writing and speaking. The dyslexia causes me to sometimes say things backwards. If I did not have this support, I would be lost. Going through grade school and high school for me was a nightmare. Teachers told me I was lazy and talked about me to other teachers not knowing I could hear everything that they were saying. I would literally become very ill in the month of August because I knew school will be starting in September. I had good friends that helped me and my family who always told me that, "I can do it!" Without their support I would have quit school. I did not go back to school after graduating from high school until I was 44 years old. My daughter was attending college and was having problems. I felt lost because I did not know anything about college and at the same time the director of the daycare I was working for was telling us that we had to go back to school to get our degree in early childhood education. I went back to school very afraid that the experience I had in grade school and high school was going to repeat itself. Instead I had wonderful support team of teachers who understood my learning difference. I learned how to use the computer, dictionaries, and thesauruses. With the support of my family, friends and teachers I graduated with honors and the valedictorian of my class with a GPA of a 3.98. I went on to get my Masters of Science in Community Psychology and now I am working on my Masters of Science in Early Childhood Studies - Teaching Adults in Early Childhood Education. Without putting God first and the support of my computer and family and friends I would not be the person I am today.

My Supportive Team My Family

The specific challenge I would imagine myself to have would to have my sight and then go blind. Being in the darkness would cause me to have to depend on my other senses and to use them to help me navigate through life. The challenge of living in constant darkness would mean that I would have to rely on my memory of the surrounding terrain. I would have to depend on my children, family and friends for my support and I know they would not mind but I would feel bad to put them in that position. I would have to start a whole new life, seeking out more outside support to teach me how to live in a world of despair and the feeling of hopelessness to help me with both my inside and outside environment.

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The biggest support I would need would be counting on my family for emotional, physical and practical support. I would have to depend on them for everyday tasks such as: overseeing my finances, wardrobe choices, and making sure that my nutritional needs are properly met. They would also assist me with mapping out my environment so that I could gain the knowledge to live independently. Eventually, I would need them less and less as I start to master these skills on my own, because I know I would want to continue to go to school and I would want to continue to work with children. Without the support of these people in my life I would feel lost, alone and most of all miserable. I do feel I would not stop trying to be successful. It would just take me a little longer. I would certainly stay close to God. I would pull myself up and continue to be the person I am today; God is my support at all times.


  1. Alice,

    Thank you for sharing your story--wow, you seem like an amazingly strong person! So many people go through life using their learning disabilities as a crutch (I work with someone who everyday likes to point out what she can't do because of it) and you embraced it and made yourself a better person!

  2. Alice,
    I must say to you that “all things are possible to him that believeth” Mark 9 v 23. With support it is possible to attain what might have been deemed impossible. It is great to know that you are encouraged to achieve great feat and you are all the more empowered to support others in their endeavors. You are certainly an over comer and the impact you would have made and continue to make on persons lives, I am sure is insurmountable.
