Monday, December 17, 2012


Some of my favorite quotes

The wider the range of possibilities we offer children, the more intense will be their motivations and the richer their experiences. We must widen the range of topics and goals, the types of situations we offer and their degree of structure, the kinds and combinations of resources and materials, and the possible interactions with things, peers, and adults.
~Loris Malaguzzi

"Safety and security don't just happen; they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
~Nelson Mandela

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
~Martin Luther King Jr.

 Pausing to listen to an airplane in the sky, stooping to watch a ladybug on a plant, sitting on a rock to watch the waves crash over the quayside - children have their own agendas and timescales.  As they find out more about their world and their place in it, they work hard not to let adults hurry them.  We need to hear their voices. 
~Cathy Nutbrown

Children need the freedom and time to play.  Play is not a luxury.  Play is a necessity. 
~Kay Redfield Jamison

Walden University master’s program, Early Childhood Studies - Teaching Adults in Early Child Care has been a wonderful journey for me. Learning new ways to teach and to explore Avenues I would have never experience if I had not attended Walden University.
One of my deeply felt leanings was getting on the “Save the Children” email News letter. I would not have ever signed up for this email if I had not been in Dr. Anthony Morgan’s class. One day I would like to be a part of this organization what a wonderful group of people who is all about children.  If you would like to get emails from Save the Children just write to them at
The second deeply felt learning was from the discussions that I and my colleagues had every week. I learn more about myself as well as my classmate through our thoughts and feeling on different issues. Giving each other advice and suggestions help me grow in knowledge form people I do not know but understand, because we all believe in the same goal helping children and their families.
The third deeply felt learning was me myself. I have been through a lot in my 58 years of life. These classes brought out feeling that I have buried for many years. I can say that I have grown from facing them. Even going through this class I have gone through challenges and I was sure I was not going to make it, but here I am in my last class. Thanking God, my instructors as well as my colleagues for such a life changing experience.
My long term goal is to start my school and community center. Also reaching out to families that need support and a kind hand, someone who will listen to their stories without judgment, and somewhere they can have a safe place to come when they feel lost.
I would like to say to my colleagues, Thank You! You shared your life experiences with the class that helped us all. I love the blogs as well as the discussion we had weekly. I believe you are all great women who love children and want the best for them in every way. Keep your dream in front of you at all time and let God lead your way. I cannot wait to meet you all at our graduation. Congratulations and may God bless you all thanks again.
I would like to say to all of my professors’ thank you for this journey I have walked through at Walden University. It has not been easy for me. I appreciate all the support that was given to me throughout the years. I have learned how strong I am, and how I can do anything I put my mine to.  The capstone project was my biggest challenge, but I feel I learn so much about what I want in my professional life, now it is up to me to make it happen. Thank you for everything. I will keep my dream in front of me, and I do believe I will accomplish my goals. Thanks again to all of my Professors, my god bless you all.
Alice Guynn

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: International



International Child Care is a Christian health development organization. Operating in Haiti since 1967 and in the Dominican Republic since 1988, ICC is working to change the conditions of poverty that impact health and well-being.
Our vision is health and wholeness for children and families in empowered communities.








Child to Child
At International Child Care, we believe that children can be real and effective partners in missions. To encourage this, we developed the Child to Child mission curriculum to help children become “mission minded”

One of the main initiatives carried out by International Child Care is child inoculation. ICC has a leading role in the prevention and cure of tuberculosis through the national TB program, and inoculates against other highly contagious childhood diseases including diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and measles.

ICC health workers know that education about the importance of drinking clean water is vital. In rural areas, where public water is not available, International Child Care digs wells to provide potable water for entire communities.





Earthquake Response

The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010 forever changed the nation of Haiti, but it only strengthened International Child Care's commitment to the people of Haiti. Read more »





Grace Children's Hospital

Grace Children’s Hospital is the flagship ministry of International Child Care, serving children with tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, and other diseases

ICC hopes to provide every expecting mother in our program area with a healthy birth kit that will protect her and the newborn against the common causes of death during the delivery process, and to involve the mother and child in a Sante Fanmi, a Health Family, of neighbors, relatives and professionals who will work to ensure the child will grow up healthy.






HIV/AIDS is the greatest health crisis our world faces today. In Haiti, more than 200,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS – that's 3.8% of the population. Since the mid 1990s, Grace Children´s Hospital has provided medical support and counseling to patients living with HIV. Read more »





In-Kind Gifts

International Child Care makes every effort to purchase items locally to stimulate the economies in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We also try to keep our costs down by avoiding expensive overseas shipment when possible, but we do accept gifts of healthy birth kits, personal care kits, handmade gowns, and cloth diapers for the children at Grace Children's Hospital. Read more »





Integrated Community Health

Empowering an entire community to care for the health of its children is powerful, effective and sustainable. International Child Care partners with the community to advance health and wellness through education, health promotion, child health clinics, immunization programs, traditional birth attendant training, and micro-enterprise projects.


Breaking the cycle of poverty can start with one small loan. As an extension of International Child Care's health work, a Micro-Enterprise initiative was developed in the late 1980s to help release women and their children from poverty's grasp. Today, ICC has eleven existing Micro-Enterprise groups, averaging ten women each, as part of the Integrated Community Health Program in northern Haiti and is currently expanding to other regions.





Rehabilitation for Disabled Children

International Child Care’s Community Based Rehabilitation program sends trained rehabilitation workers, called promotoras, into the homes of children with disabilities who live in and around the city of Santiago, Dominican Republic. The promotoras teach the child’s parents simple exercises that will help the child grow and develop.

 All You Need to Know About
                       International Child Abuse
Child abuse is not just a severe problem on a national level; it is a growing international pandemic. Child abuse takes place in countries all over the world. In many countries, children face physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect on a daily basis. Many countries maintain different perspectives on children and what is acceptable behavior. Children are often subjected to painful and harmful traditional cultural practices.

The International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, founded in 1977, is the only multidisciplinary international organization that brings together a worldwide cross-section of committed professionals to work towards the prevention and treatment of child abuse, neglect and exploitation globally.
ISPCAN's mission is to prevent cruelty to children in every nation, in every form: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, street children, child fatalities, child prostitution, children of war, emotional abuse and child labor. ISPCAN is committed to increasing public awareness of all forms of violence against children, developing activities to prevent such violence, and promoting the rights of children in all regions of the world. ISPCAN invites you to join forces with its members around the world to protect children in need: their bodies, minds, hearts and rights. Learn about ISPCAN's goals, publications, congresses, professional training events and world-wide activities.
Our Mission
To support individuals and organizations working to protect children from abuse and neglect worldwide.
  • To increase awareness of the extent, the causes and possible solutions for all forms of child abuse
  • To disseminate academic and clinical research to those in positions to enhance practice and improve policy
  • To support international efforts to promote and protect the Rights of the Child
  • To improve the quality of current efforts to detect, treat and prevent child abuse
  • To facilitate the exchange of best practice standards being developed by ISPCAN members throughout the world
  • To design and deliver comprehensive training programs to professionals and concerned volunteers engaged in efforts to treat and prevent child abuse

I have an enormous passion for children, but the safety and care of children is what drives me to stay in this business. These organizations are a great source for the protection and care of children and their families. I would love to be able someday to work or volneeter in any of these areas. I am happy to know that there are organizations around the world to help all children. There were no job for these organizations at this time. I will continue to keep a look out for them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

CHADD: Mission and History
Mission Statement
"CHADD improves the lives of people affected by ADHD."
In working towards our mission, the behavior of the CHADD staff and volunteer leadership is determined by the following core values:
Respectful, open communication
Quality of our work product and productivity in our work effort, to assure sustained customer satisfaction
Flexibility and teamwork
A demonstrated commitment to diversity in all its forms
Dedicated to fulfilling CHADD's mission with passion and enthusiasm.
 CHADD - A Non-Profit Organization
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), is a national non-profit, tax-exempt (Section 501 (c) (3) ) organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD. In addition to our informative Web site, CHADD also publishes a variety of printed materials to keep members and professionals current on research advances, medications and treatments affecting individuals with ADHD. These materials include Attention magazine, News From CHADD, a free electronically mailed current events newsletter, as well as other publications of specific interest to educators, professionals and parents.
Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior
The mission of the Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior (IVDB) is to empower schools and social service agencies to address violence and destructive behavior, at the point of school entry and beyond, in order to ensure safety and to facilitate the academic achievement and healthy social development of children and youth.
All children and youth thrive in school, at home, and throughout life.
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) empowers school psychologists by advancing effective practices to improve students’ learning, behavior, and mental health.

I choose these three organizations because my goal is to work with parents who have children who have social emotional disorders, with the focus on Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I want to learn as much as possible to be able to help my parents and their children.

World Forum Foundation
The mission of the World Forum Foundation is to promote an on-going global exchange of ideas on the delivery of quality services for young children in diverse settings.
This mission is accomplished through convening gatherings of early childhood professionals around the world and by promoting the continuing exchange of ideas among participants.
The mission of the World Forum Foundation is accomplished through two types of gatherings of early childhood professionals…
World Forum 2011 inspired, encouraged, and supported the initiation of a Working Group on Children’s Rights.
I choose World Forum Foundation because they bring all groups of people all over the world together for the care of children. One of my goals in life is to attend one of their conferences. This is a dream I pray that will come true.

I found employment in Singapore
International Preschool Director
Salary: 45,000.00 – 100.00.00                                                Location: Singapore
Employer: George Washington Preschool              Type: Full Time- Experienced
Categories: Curriculum Development/                    Required Education: 4 Year Degree                Supervision
Employer Information
The George Washington International Preschool is a private international preschool based in Singapore. It was founded in 2012 by tow New Yorkers (and Livy League graduate) who believe in sowing and reaping the benefits of the Manhattan preschool culture in Singapore for residents (both expatriates and locals) who appreciate the Big Apple’s prominence and philosophy behind early childhood education. Every aspect of the school-curriculum, teaching style, physical environment and practice- is centered on ‘every child is unique, resilient, and inherently competent to succeed.”
Job Description
We are an international preschool start up located in Singapore. We are looking to provide high end quality international preschool education to expatriate children living in Singapore. There is currently an opening for a professional with experienced in Program start up and administration.
The candidate must: Have experience working with the IB system in a leadership/administrative capacity. Be familiar with start up process in respect to preschool education. Have a background in both Early Childcare Education. Demonstrate management and supervisory skills and experience. Demonstrate the ability to build relationships across a broad spectrum of people and organizations. Be a strategic thinker with the ability to advise the board on strategic decisions.

Additional Salary Information: Salary is commensurable with experience and we will have a good bonus structure that is dependent on the number of enrollment the Preschool Director gets on board. We also provide health insurance and relocation benefits.

I also choose World Forum Foundation because I thought It would be a way to starch my knowledge in the Early Childhood Field. Having a chance to teach in a different country would be a life time experience for me.